Saturday, July 12, 2008

Life has its own lessons to teach us ...

It is always said that future is uncertain, probably true. I feel this makes life and living a challenging one. I mean what enthusiasm will we have if we know everything that's gonna come to us. One way of looking at this point is that life checks us at every point and notes down what all we need to learn (at much higher level) and puts one by one before us as we pass by. It is like saying we are being supervised by a person who looks at things at much higher level and teaches us what we need to learn. To connect it properly to first sentence, it is saying we plan something and most of the time we end up in a situation we arent willing for and this situation is unexpected or unwilling to us as we are put out of our comfort zone and outside this comfort zone is something to be taught to us.
Many a times we might not understand why things are happening the way they are. But they all are trying to tell us something new which we havent learnt before (may be there was no need any before). Many times I have asked questions like "Why me?" or "Why these things happen only with me?". The answer lies in the fact that life poses questions in the form of things that are happening to us and each one of us has his/her own journey. I realized that we evolve as we start looking at the possible answers to those questions. Ofcourse in the first place it is important to understand that it is just a learning or evolving process in nature. This is the very fact that took the fear of failure off from me. I just see failure as one more possibility to learn, infact we learn much more. I strongly feel both success and failure are same as both of them try to teach us a point or two, ofcourse former in a soft way and latter in a hard way. By using the terms "hard" and "soft" it might seem that I am more inclined to having a success-learning but it is just in human nature to look for a less strenuous way (even electrons look for a less resistive path).
But this view should not stop us from doing what we are supposed to do. We must also do it in the right way. By the word "right" I mean the one which is ethically right. One might ask "How am I supposed to know which is ethical and which is not?" I would just say "ask the person within you." I strongly feel that the spirit (soul) within us is purest of all. In order to talk to it and listen to it we need to follow some strict rules (shutting out ego, speaking truth always, looking at everything in an indifferent way, etc).
I may not be able to conclude this post in a proper way but all I want to say is "Life has its own lessons to teach us and in order to learn them we need to know ourselves well and once we learn them, our comfort zone expands and then we have next lesson ready, helping us to push it much more. "


Siva said...

It is obvious that one does not know what comes next and hence cannot be prepared. Every moment in life teaches you something or the other which would definitely guide you in the future (may not necessarily help you). Moreover, one is responsible most of the times for what he does and very rarely is helpless for the ones not in his purview.

Srikanth said...

This is a very positive way to deal with hardships. A wonderful way if you can travel on it. I have rarely seen life as teaching me; unconciously I mgt be learning frm it.

T V Kalyan said...

@Siva I know its obvious but the fact is we dont accept it and try to make things as certain as possible and prepare ourselves for that. This was the point i was stressing on. Onc thing I would like to say with my experience, what life is teaching (or trying to) will be helpful to us in some way or the other in future (or mite be for better understanding of the past). This is a rule of nature. You learn as you proceed further.

@Srikanth yeh sometimes we do realize the lessons unknowingly. Sometimes the same fact wonders me, we have some kinda mechanism which is working without our own thought.

Eye said...

ya.. nice.. but..
i got doubt..

why life wants us to learn something? Why we need to learn? Where we are going? OR is it just GAME in which life has control over us..

Unknown said...

dunno why I can't stop to write. Thanks to the Iphone, I am able to publish this. Life is always the way it is and it will be. I as a serious believer in fate believe that DESTINY is already made. Don't ponder with u had in the past. Plan things, mind u the paradox lies here, destiny makes u plan in such a way that ur goal(nirvana as some call it) is achieved. People tend to play within their boundaries coz they set them. Their ego or something else will tend to limit their certainities. There have been storms of brain power to discuss this but not sure what the conclusion is! There r 2 ways to live i.e live inside the system with conventional wisdom or to fight with that. The results are obvious, just look around u. People are innately honest and brave. The living conditions tend to change that. I have become one of those who tend to blame others rather than looking for a solution. Thanks to my frenz n my family around me I am still here thinking to find my destiny.

PATH said...

First of all, great thoughts. I do believe the same, and want to add to this: In order to connect to oneself one has to spend (sufficient) time alone with oneself (popularly known as being alone or in medical terms called meditation).

I also liked the flow of thoughts as well as the words in the blog. It was really a pleasure reading.